Were I to be left alone with the piece of troglidite and cod liver paste
that decided to keep these poor defenceless fuzzies I would wring his
sorry little neck and kill'im.
*breathe in*
*breathe out*
slightly better now, thank you
ok, so heres the thing...
My boyfriend was being wonderful and getting the one thing for me that I
truely wanted but couldnt get for myself eventhough I have the cash for
their everyday needs/wants and even and vet/emergency fund socked away,
but my Mother had forbidden me from getting any critters for myself
becasue it would be "unwise" and my folks still pay my tuition, etc.
However if they magically appeared then she would be horrified if I
turned them away, makes sence right?  Anywho so he had discovered that
a coworker of his had a couple two year oldish sableish Marshall ferts
to give away becasue he didnt have the time/money anymore.  Ok, fine.
Good deal, he has them I want them.
Well, ya damn right he didnt have time for them.  When I got there today
to get them I was greeted by a horrendous stench and a cage where the
softest thing was their own poop in the urine soaked bottom of the cage
where the dung was an inch thick all the way across it (2x3 cage
Ahh!  Must.  Fight.  Killing.  Impulse.
Bathtime was first up, because there was nothing fluffy or fuzzy about
these poor loves.  two inches of warm water was drawn in the tub to help
soften the poop encrusted into their feet and tails.  Three rounds of
shampoo and marinading them in the shampoo/warm water to soften dirt and
get them clean, we wont even go into the urine burned paws but they are
icky too.  My roommate helped, I love her, I walked in with them in the
carrier they had for them (rusted and poo encrusted) and all she said was
"eww... thats nasty... I'll go get my carrier and the bath stuff, hold on"
They loved the water and the full body rub downs, didnt try to climb out
really at all and seemed to fully enjoy the spa treatment... after the
towel drying and being let go in a clean, large carrier with three lovely
fluffy towels they snuffled for all of a minute and fell asleep.  I hated
to wake them for the next round of clean up, but it had to be done.
Their nails were so long the toes crossed and in a couple cases turned on
their sides to accomadate the length of the nail (I clipped a full inch
off most of the female's front toes, not measuring around the curve,
straight out with a hard ruler, and I left them a mm+ from the quick)
Again I could have shot the guy, what the hell compelled you to leave
this so freaking long?  Arg!  Nail trims went well, and they were
thrilled with the jingle toys and warm towels in the cage.  Bearing
in mind I hadnt preped anything much for this because I was under the
impression that they were coming outfitted with all this.  *sigh*
Now for the sad part... I pulled out the food bag and they went
ballistic, absolutely ape shit... they were coming up my leg to get to
the bag.  I figured "fine, let them chow down for a sec" wow... G-d has
come down to earth my friends the two kids packed down three (measuring
size) cups of food.  What the deuce?  16oz of water and 3 cups of food
is a lot for two fuzzies to pack away in under 2 hours, but they did it.
My good buddy the friendly vet tech/major came over (she has had ferts
since she was about 5 and is specializing in exotics because of them,
etc) took one look at the two and confirmed my suspicions, you shouldnt
be able to pick out the hip/shoulder bones and each vertebre and rib
through the now dry and fluffy fur... how I hate this guy right now...
I really do.
They are sleeping and happy, soft old shirts and towels with full bellies
and a warm room will do that for a fuzzy...
They see the vet on Monday morning bright and early, weighins and intakes
for everyone, rabies and distemper if theyre well enough.  If not it
shall wait until theyre more porky.  But there will be no ferret
playdates at the boyfriend's until they are found healthy and are
shotted and whatnot.
I am happy to have them and photos will come along shortly, but how I
want to wring that little twit's sorry neck rght now...
PS anyone who read my whole rant gets a gold star
[Posted in FML issue 5107]