I just received a phone call from a distraught owner that lost her ferret
in the storm in La.  It is quite sad really, they thought they had the
ferret with them and got half way to their destination and realized that
the ferret was left behind.  She has spent all of this time looking for
her ferret and is devastated.
I am not sure what rescues have taken in ferrets from the storm, but
if you have taken in any, could you contact me and I can pass her
information on.  I know that it is unlikely that the ferret has survived
but I do believe that our God presents us with certain miracles, I only
hope that this could be one of them.
I have a little information on this ferret, it is a sable and is very
young.  His name is Choas and he does know his name, according to this
owner.  She has also given me the address where this ferret lived and
the contact information of where she is now.  If you have taken in any
ferrets from the storm and if any sound remotely similiar to this one,
please contact me so we can put her fears to rest.
Thanks so much
Lora Blaisdell
Michigan Ferret Rescue inc.
[Posted in FML issue 5106]