I would like to publicly acknowledge the big heart and kind heart (let
alone talented heart) of our very own Fran Brown.  I ordered hammies and
sleepy sacks for my two for Christmas and Fran knew that Zoe, my old
girl, was getting pretty thin and bony and knew that I took a towel and
put it under her sleepy sacks to make them extra thick for her old bones.
Fran made Zoe a beautiful, beautiful, thick, thick, sleepy sack so her
old bones wouldn't ache from sleeping on them.  I wouldn't open the
package when it arrived, wanting to keep it for Christmas.  Well, when I
opened it up, I immediately saw how thick and beautiful the special sack
was and teared up to the point that I couldn't speak, Fran did this for
my Zoe.
Thank you, Fran, for touching my heart this holiday season and thank you,
my friend, for thinking of my old girl and her comfort.  You are simply
the best and we love you!!
P.S. There was a little, tiny hump in the sleepy sack soon after it was
placed in the cage, the best testimonial to a thick, fluffy new place to
Julie Coddington, Project Manager
Medical Staff Services
Grant Medical Center
(614) 566-8667 telephone
(614) 566-8049 fax
[Posted in FML issue 5105]