Dear Rebecca,
What great pictures - all the Riki Tikes or what everyou call them, I
have six more coming in the mail, end up in that condition in my house.
Holly and Ivy rip out the noise maker, the voice, then shred what is
left.  I just put in a new vacumm cleaner bag and turn it on.
Wild and dangerous is us.  - On another note, my buff shepherd, and my
malamute, sniff the ferrets and leave.  They know they are predators and
they just walk away.  Both dogs are near 100 pounds, and big animals.
BUT, the ferrets, if they wanted to, could hamstring them and bring them
down, and I think they know it.
This will not happen in my house, both dogs sit back and let the ferrets
eat all they want of their food, then they finish up what is left.  My
ferrets do not like the dogs dinner, they just walk over it because they
can.  It is all about the pecking order.
Before anyone says anything about my dogs being 100 pounds, everything I
get in the Hospice is thin, big time.  I have to fatten everything up.
You just get used to padding everything and it becomes a way of life..
But, we are all aware of the problem, and are on un successful diets
Marilyn -
[Posted in FML issue 5077]