I have gone to the bogs.  Deep into the bogs, to confer with the ancient
one.  And she has informed me that decades ago the advertising saying for
Electrolux was "Nothing sucks like an Electrolux!" The ancient one
brought up the possibility that this is because Electrolux was sending a
secret message to the ferrets.  When and how did that ever start?  Why?
And what was that message?
We need a code breaker is what we need.  But how do we find someone who
knows how to interpret something that is a combination of Morse code,
Close Encounters of the Third Kind code, and the Flying Spagetti Monster
code?  And let's not forget that this is all ferret language based.  I'm
getting a headache just thinking about it all.  If this is all chaos
theory based, then we are all in deep doo doo folks.  Being that we're
dealing with ferrets, this is a very strong possibility.
As far as a new technological advance such as a vacuum that tells us
how and where to vacuum, that possibility IS just too hard to believe
Ardith.  I can't believe you bought that one!  I'm sorry, but that's
just as bad as someone believing that ferrets poop on the floor because
"they want to".
[Posted in FML issue 5076]