Greeting folks.
I tend to lurk lots, and email off list.  I try not to ask alot of the
Ferret Community because you all have been so supportive of the shelter.
Especially when I was dealing the with cancer.
A couple that has been following the shelter and what is happening has
decided that they will help purchase a building for the shelter since
it has grown so large that the space for the humans is becoming smaller
and smaller.  I am currently looking for a building, and the realtor
is forgoing his commision to help this happen.  We actually bid on a
building that would have worked but the seller would not let us do
enviromental studies.
I didn't want to say anything until it was up and running and have a
huge party to celebrate, but it can't happen that way.
It won't happen without your help.  Please.  I know what work is
involved in this.  But the need is here.
Down side, we need new cages.  What we have will not work in a public
building.  Most are altered MidWest cages, No drip pans, and are a pain
in the butt for me to clean with the physics of what was left after
I need to raise $5900 for cages.  That is for 75 cages (which will
meet what the health department says they look for in shelters) and
12 playpens.  No shipping is being charged.
Any amount raised over the $5900 will be given to SOS to help other
shelters.  I will ask our webmistress to add a page to our website to
keep track of how it is going.  I believe in sharing, and that would
be the best way to help more.
There are several foundations that have visited the shelter here in my
home that have told me if the shelter were in it's own building it would
be a viable foundation, worthy of grants.
I know I am asking alot.  But there is alot at stake here.  A place for
the shelter.  A retail shop in the shelter to carry ferrety and non
ferrety gift items.  (All would be on consigment).
Please, please, please.  This is the closest that I have ever been to
having a dream come true.
I wish I could be more eloquent about it.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
4116 Bucyrus Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio   44109
[Posted in FML issue 5075]