How do I say good-bye to you,
when I want you to stay?
No words, no thoughts, no heartfelt prayers,
prepared me for this day.
The days, the years, went quickly by,
and to you I held tight.
But now's the time for letting go,
the Bridge is now in sight.
Of all the days I cherished you,
and oh that nose I kissed!
I hold you now, and say good-bye,
too fast it came to this.
My heart will never let you go,
my life, you filled so much.
When I am still, in quiet thought,
I know I'll feel your touch.
Oh thank you my sweet precious friend,
go now, for it is time.
You'll always live inside of me,
your soul will be with mine.
I'll always have you here with me,
death cannot make us part.
Your love remains, to always stay,
forever in my heart.
sp 11/25/05
[Posted in FML issue 5074]