Just a heads up to recheck those 8 in 1 treats before using.  I returned
several bags to my local Petco and asked if I can open the new bags
before taking them home.  When I checked them at the store they were
I used up most of one bag, and so far it looks fine.  But the other day I
grabbed the second bag, and when I opened it, it was completely green.
I'm very disappointed in 8 in 1 as well and will be giving them a call.
I was upset when they changed the ferretbites formula as I had a very
sick ferret at the time who wouldn't each much but of anything but the
ferretbites.  When they changed to formula he stopped eating them.
I haven't noticed any pattern in the lots or dates on the bags that went
bad.  They've all had different lot numbers and expirations dates.
Anyone found another brand of treats that appear to be similar?  I have
some pick treat eaters and until 8 in 1 gets the mold issue resolved,
would like to find something else.
Fuzzy hugs to all!
[Posted in FML issue 5074]