Hi Guys,
I know this is off track but I need some help.  I am trying to buy
something using onlinesafetrade.net as an escrow company.  Have any of
you heard of or done business with this company before?  I emailed them
and they said they were licensed to do business here in CaCaLand.  They
only accept wire transfers and I think that is odd.  Or is it only I
that think that to be odd.  With all the scams out there I want to be
careful.  The person that has the equipment is in Florida so I can't
just go there.  They offered me a 20 day inspection.  I just don't know
about the escrow company they have chosen.  They said they have had 3
successful transactions with onlinesafetrade.net Any suggestions for me
to protect myself?
Now for the fun stuff!  For Thanksgiving I decided to give my furries a
sweet treat, which they never get.  I cruised the aisles of the grocery
store and settled on banana baby food.  Upon opening of the jar I tasted
it.  YUCK!  I hope they like it better than me.  Too tart.  I tried to
give it to them individually.  NO takers.  Then I tried in pairs.  Well
competition at least got a tongue lick or two but no one was in love
with it.  Next it was a total group effort.  6 fuzzies.  Captured in the
bathroom.  I sat in the middle of the floor.  They gathered in great
anticipation like I would have a goody.  Then when I offered the "treat"
I was royally rejected once again.  I got 2 sneezes, 2 cold shoulders, 1
pawed at it and then when she got some on her foot she shook it onto me
and one went and got a drink out of the toilet instead!  Well, so much
for the "thanks" part of this thanksgiving.  There certainly wasn't any
giving either as I couldn't find any takers.  So, very begrudgingly I
dragged out the old yogies and gave everybody "just 1" which they haven't
had in well over 3 months.  I think I heard one of em say "thanksforgivin
mom" as she ran off with a grin on her face!  That was the best thing I
had heard all day!!
I hope you all had a wonderful day.  Any idea what to do with an open jar
of banana baby food????  Maybe a facial??  Or hair food??  OR OR??  Hug a
fuzzy today, Mary Jo
[Posted in FML issue 5072]