Re the below posts: I can't take in these ferrets but I am willing to
transport them to another shelter or 4-ever home that can!  I'm in
Endicott, NY, which is about 75 minutes S/SW of Syracuse.  I have no
idea where Beaver Dam is, but 607 is my area code so it can't be too far.
Please contact me directly if anyone on the list has room for these kids
and needs help transporting.  Pretty much anywhere within a day's drive
is OK w/me!  I may also be going to New Jersey (Tinton Falls area) early
next week -- well within a day's drive, just FYI in case anyone in NJ can
Susann Thiel
(see posts below)  [From yesterday's FML.  Hey, it's a light day!  BIG]
 Date:    Wed, 23 Nov 2005 15:41:09 -0500
 From:    Brenda L Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject: 3 Syracuse kids need a home [NY]
 I got this email this morning.  I do not have room for these kids.  Can
 someone help give these kids a 4-ever home.  Cross post with permission
 as long as nothing is changed.  Brenda
 I am writing to you because I have tough choice to make.  I have 3 female
 ferrets and their names are Cally,Gwen and Daisy they are everything to
 me.But I am having trouble taking care of them.  I just had my 4th baby
 and with all the kids I just can't keep up with everything anymore and
 have no time for them and I also have to move and can't take them with
 me.  Cally and Gwen have been together there whole lives and hate to be
 separated and always look for each other .Daisy was giving to me by a
 woman at work because she could no longer take care of her, so I took her
 to make sure she was cared for.  Daisy is keep alone because she always
 wants to fight with the other ones very independent I am looking for a
 shelter that only takes ferrets because I know they know more about them
 and will give them good care.If you can help or give me some advice I
 would gladly use it.  I am in Syracuse NY and I need to find a home as
 soon as possible by the end of this month.  Cally and Gwen are about 3
 years old and Daisy is 1 year.
 Contact Information
 April M.
 number is 315-469-5768
 3326 Midland Ave
 Syracuse NY 13205
 [log in to unmask]
 International Ferret Congress Shelter/Vendor Coordinator
 Click the banner to visit the store.
 Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our
 fur kids.  There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids
 looking for new homes.
 Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
 Date:    Wed, 23 Nov 2005 18:09:08 -0500
 From:    Brenda L Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject: 2 Ferrets need a home Beaver Dams [NY]
 I got another email this afternoon.  I do not have room for these kids.
 Can someone help give these kids a 4-ever home.  Cross post with
 permission as long as nothing is changed.  Brenda
 Hi Brenda, my name is Peggy.  I have two ferrets that I am trying to find
 a good home to.  They are both friendly, but a bit hyper.  They are not
 house or leash trained, but I have a huge cage for them.  They are both
 around 2 1/2 to 3 years old.  One is white and the other is brown.  I
 am going away to college in a few weeks and need to find them a home.
 Nikki from Corning told me about you.  I don't want them to be seperated
 because they are so attached to each other.  I am not asking anything
 for my ferrets, but if someone wants the cage I would like some money for
 that.  I paid around 300 for it and am askin about 100.  It has tubes
 on it that go along the top.  I have other supplies that I am willing
 to give as well: hamics, toys, various medications, litter pans.
 Peggy Hendrick
 7 Moreland Drive
 Beaver Dams, NY 14812
 [log in to unmask]
 You have my permission to post my contact info.  Thank you so much!
[Posted in FML issue 5072]