We have added new items to the eBay auction!  The 2006 Ferret Frenzy
calendar featuring former ferrets from the Ferret Aid Society!  Join
Erica, Oreo, Dale and Scooter as they travel the world in search of
something better than Ferretone!  You'll laugh out loud at some of
their poses and enjoy a full 16 months with this calendar.
ALL proceeds from the sale of the calendars from our eBay site will come
directly to the shelter to help house, feed and care for the fuzzies in
our care.  Many thanks to Zebra Publishing for their donations of these
calendars to help our cause!!
Also, there are only 3 days left to bid on your favorite Ferret Aid
ferret!  Loads of sponsor prizes still left to give away.
Miss Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
www.ferretaid.org <http://www.ferretaid.org>
Join us for the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 Conference!
Book early, almost 1/2 sold out!!
[Posted in FML issue 5069]