I just wanted to Thank Everyone who has sent me Thanksgiving Cards for
my shelter.  WOW, what a surprise.  So far I got some neat little gifts
including a canvas cross and a baby blanket.  The baby blanket was
immediately taken by a Bear-Bear, a boy of mine who just had surgery.
The cross I am hanging on the side of my sick/older ferret cage.  I also
got several really creative cards.  Thank you so much everyone, it really
brightened my day!
I am bless to have the room and time to help the ferrets who come my way.
I am also blessed to have the public support with everyone helping by
purchasing items I make and sell.  That truly keeps alot of shelters
going.  Without public support alot of us would not keep our heads above
water.  The ferrets in my care are each shinning little lights which
never fail to brighten even the most dreary day.  Each one brings a new
personality and individuality to my home.  It is so cool.  We are gearing
up for Thanksgiving Dinner.  They love the left overs.  This year we are
spending Thanksgiving at my sister's house, so the left overs maybe
scarce.  So I have a turkey in the freezer I am going to make for them
this weekend.  I earned it with purchases I made at a local food store.
So they will all get Turkey.  They LOVE this Holiday.
Thanks so much again everyone!
Marguerite and her 36 Little Furry Kids at TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
Life is not how many breaths you take, but how many times it takes your
breath away...
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
Aloha Ferrets Ebay Store
[Posted in FML issue 5069]