I would like to thank the people who sent us cards and some small gifts
for the Thanksgiving card exchange.  I have only been on line since June
and have been checking out the different sites and chat groups.  A lot of
people have heard about me because of the fight against our town to keep
my ferret rescue (which started in May 2003 and is still going on).  This
year has been extreamly hard on me/us as we have lost alot of my/our
furbabies.  These cards made me realize how much we are appriciated as
rescue/shelter owners/operators.  We found our calling with the rescue,
and will continue to do everything in our power to keep it going.
The cards made my smile during a sorrowful time and I now know that I
made the right choice to be a ferret rescue.  Thankyou to everyone by
making me feel important.
Debi and the Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 5068]