Hi ya all.  I is so sorry I have been so slow in writing these notes,
but my human mommy who takes my dictation has been in de hospital--sorta
like a fancy vet clinic.  She didnt have no puter so it was hard, but I
whispered a lot of dooks in her ear.  That cheers her up.
Well back to business.  Sandee and me gweeted dis beautiful red cinnamon
girl fuzzie with pretty blue eyes.  Her business was gathered around
cheering her on across and of course de guy ferrets are always on the
look for pretty girly ferrets.  She made it across--she said she was
tired but was happy to cwoss de bridge and to tell her human mommy tanks
for helping her cross de bwidge as life was hurtin pretty bad.  She saw
all of us in our wings and halos and says wowsie dose are nice--well what
to get dat wont clash with her beautiful fur.  I knew just the color.  I
shows her the beautiful sapphire wings dat just had been made and dey fit
her so nice.  and de halo was perfect.  Would you believes dat she took
off flying wit no lessons just circling around like a blue bird singing
at de top of her lungs-yeppers with a voice like hers she for sure will
be one of the ferret choir angels at de special holiday dat is coming up.
Her family encircled her and dey trotted (of course after she landed from
her first flight) off to dere new place.  Dere was also loads of young
guy ferrets who were quite taken with her--of course deres just very
chaste relationships, if yous knows what I mean.
Hugs to all dooks
[Posted in FML issue 5066]