How do you think we are different?  Number one, I think we are way more
passionate for better and for worse.  And yeah it can be for much worse.
lol.  We're not the most even tempered people.  I find that so very
interesting.  For better or for worse, it's always out of great love
though.  And wow, do we fully take in life like no other or what?!  How
else are we different?  We're generous.  I don't know why, but it seems
to me that out of all animal people, ferret people have to be some of the
most generous people out there ... whether that is with their time, love,
or even material things.  I think we are more open minded too.  I can't
go to other people and say, "oh cool, look can you believe a wild cherry
tree sprouted in my yard and I didn't eve know it?" and know that they'll
be interested as well.
If you mingle at other animal get togethers or spend a good deal of time
on other internet boards, you'll see what I'm saying.  If you explore
the net, pick places totally out there.  I've been on gardening, wild
rehab/birds, pet birds, music, photography, hamster, reptile, and yo-yo
boards (no, seriously).  It fascinates the bejezus out of me how each
place is like's own subculture.  Some are way more laid back than us.
Some more judgmental and petty.  Others are very narrow minded.  I'm
not saying that anyone is better than the other.  I just agree with John
that we are different indeed.
I think he does have a point that we love an animal that can be as bonded
to us as a dog or horse, but only lives a few years and yet we put
ourselves out there on the chopping block time and time again.  How many
other animal lovers would do that if their horses only lives five years
a pop?  I can tell ya ... they wouldn't.
[Posted in FML issue 5060]