>From:    Risa Di Vincenzo <[log in to unmask]>
>Has anyone ever heard of or seen a free standing water bottle?  I would
>love to place water bottles around the ferret room for my mikette.
Hi Risa;
Not sure why you are asking particularily about water bottles, rather
than bowls.
I'm sure you've considered both, but if I may suggest.. "they" do make a
bowl (I just bought one at PetSmart) that has a section for food on one
side and water on the other and allows a bottle, like a pet water bottle,
or soda or water bottle (such as Deja Blue, or Avian, or whatever) to be
attached and keep the water side filled.
Providing copious amounts of water to ferrets via a bowl rather than
asking them to work drop by drop off a little steel or plastic ball helps
keep the disgestive process moving more smoothly and helps quinch a
thirst better.  If you are concerned about digging and spilling you
can get heavy plastic mats from stores like Home Depot or Lowes cut to
whatever size you want and put that under the bowls to catch spills or
use newspapers or towels etc..  you can velcro the bowls to the mats to
prevent pushing or tipping.  etc.
Hope this helps
Vicki Montgomery
Tricks and Treats Rescue
Pasadena, TX 77506
[Posted in FML issue 5057]