Help with Litter Pans and Pooping:
To alter a sudden or even a gradual increase of pooping everywhere
instead of the boxes they originally used, I change the ferret to a new
cage with his unlaundered hammocks & blankies & food/water bowls.  (In
my case "cage" often means "room" as permanent residents here are free
roam.)  The new cage doesn't have to be actually new from the store, just
thoroughly cleaned and deodorized with an enzyme-type deodorizer; I use
Out spray, available at WalMart.  let stuff soak for a while with this.
You can use a large pet carrier if a different cage isn't available for
temporary use.  Use the temporary quarters for at least 4 weeks.  In the
meantime, thoroughly clean and deodorize his old cage.  Re-arrange the
former cage, if possible.  And again, don't launder sleep accessories
for several days before and after the cage change.
I would also, in a case with a deceased cagemate, use a new litterbox in
the temporary cage.  You might not be able to smell the deceased ferret's
"markers" on the old litterbox, but it's possible that some remain your
ferret can smell.  But DO use the ferret's other current cage
accessories.  You don't want to add stress by making too much of an
environment change.  I've often wondered, in cases like this, if the
"pooping everywhere" is an effort to place "markers" to help the "lost"
ferret to "find his way back" home.
General litterbox tips here, for solutions to other types of litter box
usage problems:
Broken toe:
We use the sticky "ace bandage" stuff.  and wrap the entire leg, with a
loop going loosely around the body.  just make sure it's comfortable.
Yeah, you'll get some nasty, beady eyed looks when he tries to hobble
around, but he'll adjust.  I prefer not to cage ferrets with splints,
actually.  as long as there's nothing in the room they can climb.  I'd
rather keep them on flat, one layer surfaces.  You can let him play with
his cage mate once you have a splint he can't weasel out of.
Debi Christy <>
[Posted in FML issue 5054]