Since the topic of ferrets in California has come up a lot recently,
I want to make people aware of a new website in formation at  Although the site is due for a facelift in about
a week, it is fully functional right now. is owned
by Ferrets Anonymous, and we have been collaborating with Californians
for Ferret Legalization to determine the initial focus.
The goal of our site is to help in any way possible with the legalization
effort in California.  We are reaching out to the hundreds of thousands
of California ferret owners who may not be aware of the legalization
Currently we are helping Californians for Ferret Legalization with the
petition to Governor Schwarzenegger.  Our last petition for Governor
Davis brought in an amazing 47,000 signatures.  We're hoping to get
even more this time!  The petition is available for download at
I know that there are a lot of people outside of California who would
like to help if they could.  There are some very useful ways you can
1) If you administer a ferret website that California ferret owners might
visit, please link to us.  Let us know if you do so that we can link back
to your site!
2) To add a bit of entertainment to the signature gathering process, we
will be holding raffles starting in December.  People will be able to
"redeem" the signatures they have collected for raffle tickets.  We need
prizes to raffle off: toys, games, supplies, artwork, or anything that
ferret lovers would enjoy.  If you would be willing to donate something,
please write to us.
3) From time to time we may need people with skills in web maintenance or
artwork (i.e. drawing ferrets).  Please tell us if you would be willing
to donate a bit of time in the future.
We can be reached at [log in to unmask]  Here's hoping that
ferrets will soon be war-dancing across the state!
- Julie
[Posted in FML issue 5052]