Wow this has been an awful 6 months.  First I lost one of my furkids
Rascal to complications to Insuloma.  About 3 weeks ago I lost my
youngest kid Callie girl.  I'm still not quite sure why.  When I got
her to the vet he said her kidneys were fine and so was her sugar but
evidently she had a stomach ulcer.  I had done everything in my power
to medicate and to feed her but to no avail she passed.
Now my oldest girl Momma is showing the same signs as Callie.  My husband
took her to the vet last week and the vet said she has a virus.  So she
sent him home with amoxicellin to be given for 14 days.  Still she wont
eat and drink on her own.  I have been giving her chicken babyfood
through a syringe and water through a syringe as well.  She was also
given fluids under her skin to help with dehydration.  Now by all
appearances when she poops it is black and slimey.
A bit of hsitory with her is that she has always had seedy poop but the
vet didn't seem to be to concerned.  It would go from seedy to clear and
slimey .
If she has a stomach ulcer too what is going on to cause this?  I have
done nothing like changing food or bedding or done anything to stress
them out.  She is about 4 and I understand this is considered a senior
I just want to know if there is anyone close to my city that could help
me out like a shelter where I can observe how they fed and care for thier
sick or old.  I feel like I'm not doing enough because I work.  I just
know I feel helpless and hurt that I can't seem to make her better and
that I could not save Callie or Rascal.  I feel like I am killing them.
Can anyone help me.  I love this species of animal but right now I feel
like I will never own a Ferret again because of the heartache.
Thank you fml for being here to let me pour my soul out to you.
In loving memory of Callie and Rascal I'm sorry Mom let you down.
And to Momma I'm doing the best I can to make you better.
[Posted in FML issue 5043]