Sukie writes:
>It is  also insulting -- at least it feels that way to me -- to FML
>members to be  treated as if they are stupid enough to not notice ...
 --- Yes, it is GREATLY insulting to me, and I've long been peeved off
at the waste of space these people have taken up on the FML.  I'm very
weery of it all.  Many members generously contribute helpful and
constructive information as well as debate, and others work hard to
keep this a positive and creative place.
and that they would fail to make their comments to APHIS based on such
claptrap.  I mean, come on!  People here are NOT STUPID.  Sorry, but that
is just how this whole compilation *feels to me* about how FML members
are being treated.  Others may feel differently, but I sure have gotten
a number of letters from those also feeling insulted for us all.
---- In addition, it physically sickens me, that anyone would try to
undermine the sweat and tears of others work on behalf of these beautiful
animals and their owners.  I'm frustrated that anyone would reach out to
the public (APHIS) and represent the ferret community as suck a
disjointed and flakey bunch.
[Posted in FML issue 5041]