posted with permission from another list:
Okay folks!!  Our Ferret Frolic and Art Benefit did not raise us the
amount we are needing to keep things going for the shelter.  We are
coming close to shutting things down if we do not get some help.  I
know we have said that before but, folks, this is very, very serious.  We
are needing a new place for the shelter and the resources to keep things
going.  I know some of you have provided us with some great fundraising
ideas but we need some extra funds ASAP.  We need some folks with
contacts with the media to get our story out there to the masses, we need
an accountant who will work pro bono to help us re-file our paperwork for
our 501c status which will cost us $2000 to file, and we need some help
with finding a new location for FURRY.  If we can't do these things,
FURRY will be shutting down.  I don't want to see this happen and I know
there are folks out there that don't either.
Some of you may not know that there are only a handful of volunteers
keeping things going.  Kurt has stepped down as an officer and has
distanced himself from FURRY to focus on other issues.  We have a
volunteer that has stepped up to handle the day to day stuff with running
the shelter, including the finances.  We have other volunteers handling
paperwork, the website, email, scooping poop, fostering and getting
volunteers to help with whatever we need help with, just to name a few
I know with all the hurricane stuff, people have been giving money left
and right to help.  But, the causes here at home need the help, too.  So,
I am pleading for some MAJOR MONETARY donations.  I hate to beg, but we
really need the help.  Please HELP.  For those of you that have adopted
your furkids from FURRY, just image what would have happened to them if
there was no FURRY!!  I can't bear the thought of ferrets being turned
into a animal shelter with the possibility of them being destroyed
because there was no ferret shelter/rescue to take them to.  So, HELP!!!
In regards to the Ferret Frolic and Art Benefit--we have A LOT items
available--including original ferret pawprint art, scenery,and other
animal pictures to name a few.  We even have a poem called "Four Little
Paws", written by one of our volunteers in memory of the wonderful
ferrets who have crossed the rainbow bridge, available matted and
unmatted.  We have some wonderful homemade bedding donated to us by a
ferret shelter in New York state.  Folks, this is some nice bedding your
ferrets will just love!!
Well, I hope I tugged at some heart strings.  So, lets open up those
wallets and give to a great cause.
Thank you.
F.U.R.R.Y. Volunteer
Ferret Mom to Avery, Bear, and my FURRY ferrets
Carlin and Erin, plus 8 foster furkids--George, Mikey, Turner, Lottie,
and Molly, and Gabriel, Sebastian and Gracie
[Posted in FML issue 5041]