Seeking Info on Ear Hematomas
After searching the net and finding very little info on this topic, I'm
curious if any of you out there can share your experiences with me.
I recently got two 8 week old brothers directly from a breeder.  At 12
weeks of age, I noticed one of them had severly swollen earflaps (not
little blood blisters but the entire earflap swollen, almost shut on one
ear) and brought him to the vet.  He was diagnosed with ear hematomas,
and also earmites.  It made sense to me that the earmites would be a
contributing factor, but I had also noticed on three different occasions
his brother sucking on his ears in the morning, and wonder if that
weakened the ear structure and made him more susceptable to this
condition.  Anyways, we did surgery on the ears, took medication for
the mites, seperated the siblings except for supervised playtime, and
two weeks after surgery he had his stitches removed.... And now only
three days later, to my heartbreak, the hematomas have redeveloped.
My vet had warned me that this could happen.  I'm not really open to
doing further surgeries, but I'm curious about other solutions.  Or
will this correct itself in time?  And in the meantime, do I continue
to let them play together?  I'd really appreciate any wisdom you all
can share.... right now I feel like I'm the only one out there with a
ferret that has this odd problem... I know that can't be the case!
Thank you so much,
Leigh and Taos the Ferret
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[Posted in FML issue 5040]