I have a tip to add also for some ferrets after surgery.  I had one
guy who was up and ready to rip his cage apart a couple hours after
bi-lateral surgery.  My vet put a head thing on like they do for dogs
and cats so they won't scratch, which I kept on during most of the day
(yes he could eat and drink water), except when I hand fed him or under
supervision to make sure he did not pick at his stitches.  I also had
her put the nail caps on his paws like they use in cats to prevent
scratching because I was afraid he might rip his stitches out due to his
personality.  I kept the cage covered most of the time to help him heal
and yes he was in one section of a Martins 3 tier cage, that I use for
ferrets that have had surgery, to help them heal so they cannot move
around a lot.
This same ferret had surgery again for something else 2 years later and
the vet fashioned a head thing by using a plastic cup around his neck
that had ribbons that would tie around him like a harness.  Had to use
something because he tried ripping his IV out!  Just a few tips to tell
your vet before surgery.  Head protector and feline nail covers, back
My sincerest condolences to those who have lost a fur baby.  My heart
goes out to you, I am so very sorry for your loss.
Eleanor Mead
[Posted in FML issue 5040]