Dear Brothers and Sisters of the FML:
I cannot thank you enough for your kind words, the beautiful cards, and
tender thoughts.
I do miss Dusty Rose, as she was so beautiful, dressed in white fur and
a slight rosy color to her cute nose.  She was love from Heaven bound
in a small frame of fuzz, and full of fuzzy kisses with her little pink
tongue.  We miss her physical presence, but feel her spirit surrounding
us.  I do not know how much time I have left upon this mortal coil, but I
am certain that when I pass from this life to the life eternal, I shall
be at the Rainbow Bridge, playing and loving all of the fur-creatures
that the Great Creator made.  And I shall keep them company until all of
you are able to join me at the Bridge, and we shall forever be together,
and never again parted from each other.
Peace to all of you, and may God continue to bless each and everyone of
you for your tender love and caring hearts that you have shown to me and
especially to all of our beloved ferts.
Rev. Ron
[Posted in FML issue 5037]