Dooks and Greetings to all lovers of FERRETS, may peace be in your hearts
now and forever more.
It has been a long time since I have posted, as I have experienced much
illness, then needing to rescue my mother from Florida and to help some
other friends in Florida (one lost her mother, the other lost her roof
last year during the hurricanes).
It is very sad to lose one of our beloved fuzzy's to the Rainbow Bridge,
but I would like to attempt to bring you peace in your hearts and minds
about the life after life.
In the Torah (The Books of the Law), which comprises the first 5 books
of the Old Testament, and were written by Moses for all people.  The
first Book, is Genesis, which is about creation, man falling from grace
and into sin.  It is noted that only MANKIND sinned.  Not the other
creatures.  The Creator, after making each thing, living creatures and
plant life, said that "It was good, and it was very good."
In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, Jesus makes a statement that
INTO THE ADDER'S DEN AND NOT BE HARMED (An Adder is a poisonous snake).
To me, this means that the spirits of all creatures shall be in heaven
with the Great Creator.
The Hindu and Buddhist revere all life as sacred, and in my own peoples
teachings (I am Native American - Mohawk), the spirit of those animals
that gave up their lives that the people of the tribe could have life,
would also return to the Great Spirit.
In the world of Science, Physics to be exact, it is stated that ENERGY
CHANGE FORM.  Life is energy, and it can only change form, from the
physical as we know it, to the spiritual.
Just as an atomic explosion releases light, heat and strong winds, or as
a tree burns and gives off smoke, heat and light, they only change form,
the same is true with life.
A year ago, I underwent major surgery, and I died on the operating table.
I was allowed to view a great warm and loving light and then returned to
this body.  I cannot say that I saw our beloved fuzzies at the Rainbow
Bridge, but then again, I did not see much.  But I am certain, that as
the Great Creator LOVES ALL of CREATION, which includes mankind, and all
animals, that the spirit of the animals, and the souls of mankind shall
return to the CREATOR.
This I tell to you, as I even now advise you that my beloved Dusty Rose,
has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  She passed in her sleep.  I am sure that
her sister Trixie will be joining her soon.
Some of you have had to experience the additional pain of taking your
beloved fuzz-butt to the vet and have that sweet ball of fur sent over
to the bridge, in order to ease their suffering.  Your love is not in
vain, and you shall be rewarded with eternal life with those beloved
I cannot put my hand onto that place, nor can I draw you a picture, nor
can I take a photograph of the Rainbow Bridge.  Just as I have never seen
Jupiter or Pluto, nor Uranus nor Neptune, yet I know that they exist, and
so does the Rainbow Bridge.
God Loves all of Creation, and all things return to the Creator for all
eternity, never again to be separated.
May the Peace of God which surpasses all Human understanding be with each
and every one of you, now and forever.
Rev. Ronald L. Sims, D.D. & Family: 2 hooman-beans owned by 2 Ferrets,
3 dogs, and 4 cats.
[Posted in FML issue 5033]