Dear FML friends,
I know I am about to make some people pass opinions and I might even get
flamed for giving mine.  But it is my only hope that we can all come
together and help the fur kids in the end.
The issue of a unkept shelter has come up.  Some people got real mad at
Sandi for speaking out and being straight forward.  Some of those folks
knew the shelter she spoke of and had even adopted from them.
The point was not to flame the shelter or down the keepers.  The point
was for concern that situations have spiraled out of control for this
shelter.  Sometimes the best of intentions can go wrong.This I'm sure
has happened to everyone here at some point in life.
I am also about a 8-10 hour drive from the shelter in question.  I would
love to go and donate time and help them out.  I wanted to help take in 4
to lighten their load.  Things didn't work out that day, the keepers were
not able to meet us half way at the time.  So I instead brought home 2
lovely boys from Sandi.  I told her this way I could help make room so
she could take in a couple more when the shelter in question was able to
get them out to her.
Any one who has ever meet Sandi can see she is 100% for the ferrets.  No
she is not a in a big business building with secretaries to meet you at
the door.  She is in her home, she has 2 bed rooms with her ferrets.
She has her PC and a file cabinet, and a kitchen full of Duck soup and
Meds.Though her statements might hurt some feelings, they should be given
Instead of looking to blame, can we help?  Are any of us close enough to
give some time to the shelter?  Is any one here a contractor that can
donate some time to help make improvements the shelter might need?  Can
we offer to take in some of the fur kids even as Fosters to help these
older folks with big hearts lighten their load?
That is the point.Don't get mad, lets try to help!  I am still looking to
take in 2 more kids to do my part.  And I will do what ever else I can as
time goes on.
[Posted in FML issue 5032]