Ok, have a real problem here.  Pete is a rescue I took in with his
brother when Byte-me died.  Pete's brother died after living here a
little more than a month.  Sad to see him go, was such a sweet guy.
They got along so very well and I could see Pete needed another fert
for company so I got another rescue that looks almost exactly like Pete,
hence the name Re-Pete.  But these two do not get along.  Re-Pete would
gladly be friends but Pete will have no part of it.  I have to break up
fights allot.
I thought that after a week or so they would calm down and accept each
other, or more so Pete would accept his new 'brother' but that is not
happening.  I give them both plenty of personal time and pick them up
and hold them together in my arms at the same time but have to break up
attacks even then.  There seems to be no light at tunnel end on this
one.  Does anyone know how to help this situation?
Gordon, Pete and Re-Pete.
[Posted in FML issue 5018]