I keep forgetting that the FML comes out a day ahead.  So forgive me if
this is a few hours late.  But today, Oct 10th, is Sean's birthday.  He
won't be seeing this.  But I just had to come here and tell you all
because, like me, I think you will be floored as to where the time has
gone.  It feels like yesterday that I came on the FML before the Xmas
season to tell you all how my little autistic boy bonded with my husbands
two ferrets.  It feels like yesterday that Sean adopted Rocky on
Valentines day shortly after, as well.  I can't even remember exactly
how old he was, but I'm thinking he was only seven years old (but three
or four mentally).  Today he is fourteen and nearly on target mentally.
I am on my knee's today, ever so grateful that his little Rocky, riddled
with lymphoma, made it to his birthday.  In fact, we had a frightful,
awful weekend.  I have gray hair to prove it.  Rocky nearly crashed.
We've had scares and thoughts of euthanization before, but nothing like
this.  If we had continued downhill over the weekend, we would have had
to give Rocky a mercy shot today.
Thank you to my friends on the FML who took time from their busy lives to
step forward and help me this weekend.  Rocky has made a small comeback
(though temp I realize), yet again.  He had a look in his eye this past
weekend like he wanted to go home.  But now he has a look in his eye like
he's thinking, "hmm, maybe I was wrong ... maybe I have a few more kisses
left to give Sean".  Troy Lynn, Julie F, Robin J, Alicia, and Reb M thank
you.  You made Rocky so much more comfortable, and helped him see one
more of this little boys' birthdays.  Now if it's meant to be for him to
leave us soon, at least it won't be on this happy day and most
importantly he can go in quite a bit more comfort.
[Posted in FML issue 5027]