Sandee would you do me a favor and trek on over to Hamster village and
check on Mr. Waddsworth he's a Siberian Dwarf Hamster and when he went to
the bridge he got confused and got off at the wrong gate.  I just want
him to know how much I love him and when the time comes I will be there
with bells on and I'll stroke his head the way he liked it when he lived
with me here on earth and if ya can tell Mr. Muldoone that Mr. Waddsworth
had to deal with 4 ferrets with alot more attitude then he ever had and
the face that Mr. Waddsworth is by herritage a Russian hamster might
explane how he got the best of Mr. Muldoone so fast and if ya can bring
him some sunflower seeds the kind that us beans eat he loved them and
when I'd give him some through his cage bars he'd grab the seeds and run
to his hiding place and stash them and sometimes eat them right there
where I gave him them.  If you can get some of that kitten growth formula
food we'd feed oru other furkids he loved that he'd hoover them up like a
vacume cleaner hense the name Herbert Hoover Waddsworth.  And to The Big
Boss thank you for sending Mr. Waddsworth to live with me I owe you a
debt of gratitude no mortal ever has.
David Owings
Ferrets and Hamsters have a way of weaseling their way into your heart
and once they do they never leave and I wouldn't have it any other way.
[Posted in FML issue 5025]