Something happened with this raffle that I honestly never thought would.
The odds against it are probably very high.
Prize 1: Sandra Repper # 246516
Prize 2: Angie Chappell # 429071
Prize 3: Angie Chappell # 429059
Prize 4: Patricia Kaczorowski # 246089
Prize 5: Lauara Carranze # 246473
Prize 6: Sandra Repper # 246519
I'll be contacting the winners tonight or tomorrow to confirm shipping
The raffle site stated: "There are 6 prize packages.  They will be
awarded in the following manner: The first ticket drawn will receive
Prize Package #1.  The second ticket drawn will receive Prize Package #2
and so on.  Multiple prize packages can be won by one individual, so buy
many tickets and buy often." and so it happened.
If you've posted the raffle to other sites, please copy and paste this
to those sites.
Gail and the Ladies of Scales & Tails, Inc.  and I would like to thank
all those who donated prizes to this raffle.  THANK YOU!!!  We would
like to send a huge thank you to all who bought tickets.  THANK YOU!!!!
The raffle was a rousing success!!  I'll post financials next week.
My Website: <>
[Posted in FML issue 5021]