Hi FML peoples,
I wanted to check in with you all to update on our Adrenal Surgery on
Lily.  It had been about 5-6 days after surgery and she still wanted
nothing to do with her regular kibble I was mixing ground stuff into her
soup to make sure she was getting her vitamins.  We had not seen her eat
or drink on her own , only when we gave it to her by hand.  I found her
behavior strange.  Her eyes were bright her body language was strong, so
why not eat.
I played a notion that she was depressed for being stuck in a sick cage
24/7.  So I began putting her bonded mate Fizban in the cage with her
over night.  He behaved as a perfect gentleman.  He was soft and cuddly,
just like she needed.  She began to take a piece of kibble here and
there.  Finally after 8 days of healing I was brave enough to see how
her other ferret family members would behave around her.  They all
sniffed her over and inspected her stitches right away.  I was afraid
someone may try to pull on them or something to cause her pain.  But
after they realized she was a little hurt, they ALL behaved very nicely.
I watched with great caution and after a while they all went to sleep in
a big ferret pile in their favorite place, under the dresser.  After a
couple play times and nap times I felt satisfied no one was gonna hurt
our fragile Lily.
So on day 10 of recovery I came home from work, checked on all the kids.
I woke them and it was like someone pulled the BOING switch in Lily!!
She started trying to steal the night light straight out of the socket.
She grabbed toys and stashed them like she was saying HEHEHALL MINE!!
She zoomed across the floor and jetted through pipes.  She fell straight
in love with a new toy I bought her while she was down.  These small hard
plastic balls that have dice in them.  She pushes them around the floor
with her nose to the ground.  When she cant pick them up she rolls on
her back cupping the ball in her paws.  Then she jumps on Winnifred as
if to say  Im BACK!! Winni Played nice by the way.
I was beginning to get a little nervous thinking she felt so good she may
over do it!  But I watched her body language and made sure none of the
others got to crazy.  She played for almost 20 minutes like this.  I had
my husband come watch.  I was the best feeling to see her be Lily again.
She is drinking from bowls & eating her kibble.  Oh how I missed that!
Not to say all situations may work out the same.  Some ferrets may need
more time to heal by them selves, before being put back with the others.
But in Lilys case it was just what the Doc. Ordered!
[Posted in FML issue 5046]