Dear FMLers,
Sue, I've said a big one for you and Sammy and am keeping everything
crossed for you all.
Kim, SO glad to hear Helena is doing so well.  Your post really had me
giggling as I've had several ferrets that snore and actually, once you
get used to it, it can be hard going to sleep without those gentle SNERKs
and PPPHRABs.  Honest!
Alex, I think they huffed before they dooked?  Maybe we better ask the
Anon, I have an excellent escapee fuzzbutt too.  The only way I've
managed to stop her is by tying some string around the top in a Slippery
H knot that comes undone as soon as you tug it.  Am really hoping she
doesn't work out how to untie it herself.  Still, give it time.....
Debbie, I signed the petition, thank you for setting this up and thank
you BIG for giving the secondary URL so I could sign it.  What would we
do without you BIG?  I shudder to think.
October, your avi file was ace.  Always makes me think of the book (wish
I could remember it's name) that stated categorically that ferrets can't
climb.  Thanks again BIG for providing the link.
Right, I guess I better go off and get some work done.  Such a treat to
have time to sit and read the FML today!
Love and dooks to all,
Susan x
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic
hallway where thieves and pimps run free,and good men die like dogs.
There's also a negative side." -Hunter S. Thompson-
[Posted in FML issue 5046]