Dearest, Dearest FML Friends,
I, even as I write this, am praying for my sweet boy Sammy.  Six days
from today, my baby, (even though he is 7 1/2, he is still, and will
always be my baby.  Y'all know how that is.  ) will be having adrenal
surgery.  Sammy is helathy and strong besides that, but in having to
wait an extra week for scheduling problems( the vets, not mine) I can
see the horrrible monster named adrenal ,begin to take it's toll.
Sammy has been having implamts for awhile and has been doing great.
UNTIL................. one night, while we were playing, I saw it.
That unmistakeable thinning.  I knew that the only thing left to do
after breakthrough balding,after implants,was surgery.
To be completely and totally honest, I cannot hide the fact that I am
SO scared for him.  Sammy is an "elderly" guy.  My vet says that Sammy
is a strong, healthy guy and is a good surgical candidate.  My logic part
of brain trusts him completely, he is a fantastic vet.  BUT, my heart is
shaking in it's boots.  Even with that trust, I am still so scared.  I
have read too many stories about complications after surgery leading to a
trip to the Bridge.  I don't think that I will be able to handle losing
Sammy after just losing my almost 10 year old Oskie.  I can't even bear
thinking about that.  There is no choice.  I have to let him have
surgery, if he dosen't have it, he will die....soon.  But with his having
surgery, he may
Sammy is such a complete and total love.  When I first saw him, the lady
at the counter said, "Oh, he was returned, he bites!" I asked to hold him
anyway, and quess what............He bit!!!  But those eyes, oh those
eyes, I told the lady that I wanted him.  He was just 12 weeks old.
Now, my Sammy is the most loving ferret you'd ever want to hold.  He
LOVES to be rocked, and when I ask him " Do you have kisses for mama?" he
replies by showering my cheek with the most wonderful fertie kisses ever.
Now I know that I, and Sammy are really no different from any other
ferret parent in this situation, but still, maybe if I bombard the
guardian of hope(?  is that her name?) and if I pray so hard that God
can't help but hear me, maybe Sammy will come through the surgery and
recovery just fine.  But like I said, with just losing Oskie, my heart
is SO not prepared to lose my Sammy-boy.
SO........Please, if you have a minute, please if you could, everyone,
all of you, all of my FBOG friends, please pray for my sweet boy.  As
they say......there's strength in numbers!  I know whatever is God's
will, will be, but maybe with all the racket we all send up to Him, He'll
let Sammy stay with me a little longer.( Kinda like, " Okay, Okay, enough
all ready, Sammy can stay with Mom a little longer, geeeeez!!")
Thank you everybody, for being there when I need you most.
Love & Dooks to You All,
Sue & Crew                                                                                                     ** Da  Boys----Sammy, Chance, & Storm  AND!! My newest
addition, My permanent foster boy, Kringle(what a love!!) **
**The Girls-----Nikki, Annie, & Scarlett--aka Little Mouse!(1lb 4oz!)
P.S, Although this is coming from a Comcast addy, we are in the process
of changing networks,(actually, we have changed, we just need to transfer
everything over.)  SO, If anyone should want to write to me, my new
address is: fert890@  The old addy should be gone by next
Bless You All..  I pray & hope, and any other word that would apply, that
I am doing the right thing for my boy :(
[Posted in FML issue 5045]