Since were talking about the AFA show circuit and BIS winners and the
how the ferrets placed last year for the AFA ferrets of the year, I have
a question.  I went to the AFA website to see if I could learn more info
on how the judging systems works to understand what everyone is talking
about and I'm curious that if a ferret places as a Gold or Platinum
winner, they have a list of ferrets who have reached that pinnacle of
their show career in 2004 and the ferrets that made companion, alter,
adolescent and breeder of the year from that group, why are they still
being shown this year?  According to the AFA's show standards, haven't
they reached all the points that they can actually get, is there another
level of recognition they can get, can a ferret go higher?  Is there
something bigger and better after that?  If not, why are these ferrets
still being shown?
[Posted in FML issue 4989]