I probably have no business chiming in, but I have personally known Sandi
for a long time.  This lady has bent over backwards for the ferrets she
has cared for...I have seen it with my own eyes.  Not only does she put
their priorities first, she even spends most of her finances for their
well being.  To say this lady deserves a pat on the back for the job she
does is an understatement.  Her, along with all the other shelter moms
and dads deserve so much more.
my next subject:
Everyone on this list has read the posts that shelter moms and dads have
posted asking to look at an auction, donate for a raffle, or just donate
your time... Not all of them ask for help though... here's my point:
Every shelter can use some help now and then... sometimes events happen
(hurricanes come to mind) that can affect shelters that hardly ever ask
for help(maybe an outpour of drop-offs)... Everyone can help some way or
another...You may not be able to help every person that asks for help,
but the fact that the guesture is there says a lot.
I have seen so much kindness and giving out of this family... Right
from day one, you all were here to help me with my first ferrets.  I
got a chance to meet some wonderful shelter mom's and dad's because of
the FML...I got to go to the symposium in georgia, because of the care
and generosity of some of you all...I'll be honest, I could barely
afford the gas to drive to atlanta, but I was given the chance to go,
because someone felt the need to help...it wasn't necessary, but they
have no idea the lasting effects it has had on me.  I was basically
adopted myself from a shelter mom & dad who took time out of their
schedule to pick me up on the weekends so I could help out what I
could at the shelter.  They even made me some home made pancakes!!  I
dont think I have shown my gratitude like I should have but I can say
that Jennie is thriving, and I will be going home for Thanksgiving and
she's going to be one of the first ones in the family I will greet.
The point I am trying to get across, is that sometimes people need
help, and there are other times those people can help others in
need...that's what families do...they help eachother...
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
[Posted in FML issue 5008]