Laura says:
>Somehow in all this madness it is assumed that I made the "501c
>comment".  That is simply untrue - I just stated that a "real" shelter
keeps its income and expenses separate from any personal ones"
And that's where the problem lies.  I kept all my ferrets--shelter and
personal together.  I didn't keep seperate supplies of food or litter.
I paid for it all out of my own pocket (and trust me, my 8-9 personal
ferrets didn't go through $5000 a year in food, treats and litter), and
wasn't 501(c)3 so had no reason to keep things seperate, or even account
for any income, because ther wasn't any!  To insinuate that I wasn't a
"real" shelter is just total bull.  The State of New Jersey sure thought
I was when I paid for my license every year--oh, and that was $100 OUT
OF MY POCKET as well.
All the adoption fees I collected were by check made out to my vet to
cover the shelter vet bill--which was kept seperate.
You in your narrow minded little world can't see things anyway except the
way you think they should be.  You've proven so with your own words.  How
[Posted in FML issue 5008]