OH... what a horrible shock!  We Here at the Richmond Ferret Rescue
League have just been informed that Lisa L., Director for the Ferret
Haven By-The-Sea is actually a MUTANT!  YES!!!  And we have Ms. Scaley
slated to judge our Ferret Feista Specialty Show at the Virginia State
Fair THIS SATURDAY!!!  Oh.  if only our Show Spies had discovered this
sick, disgusting, possibly contagious disease sooner.  Sigh.  We've found
out that she is actuaklly covered from her neck down to her... upper
thighs... with dark, smelly, ridged SCALES.  But... Our SHOW MUST GO ON.
So, it's still not too late to come see a two-in-one event.  The RFRL's
silly-ass show, and... the LIZARD WOMAN who probably reeks like an
iguana mixed with ferret anal glands!
Oh Heaven help us.  No wonder she's been "abrasive" and pissy whenever
she attends our events.  heavens, she's always scratching- And all this
time I thought she suffered from piss-or-is-or-is (or exema)....ummmm...
make that leprosy.  Or, maybe,..... a serious long-term yeast infection.
Oh well.  She's still a damn good judge.  I just hope she doesn't stick
to her chair, or eat any contestants if she' s hungry.  Hey, might be
fun to watch....from a VERY VERY safe distance.
We still love ya', Lisa.  Scales and all.
Hugs, a very terrified crew from RFRL, especially, Marlene, Tracie and
[Posted in FML issue 5007]