Hurricane RITA has made it's way through the Florida Keys and is
presently building speed and strength working it's way through the gulf.
All shelters located in the state of Texas should be closely watching
this storm.
Shelters in the state of Texas: Please be so kind as to send me your
shelter's name, address, phone number, cell number and most importantly a
contact where you can be reached whether you evacuate your area or not.
I am positive that there are some Texas shelter that might not be
receiving the FML - however we have so many FML Members that I am hoping
the ones in Texas can report on shelters they know and get the word to
those shelters.
Please send the information on your shelter to
 [log in to unmask]
 Subject: Texas Shelters.
Thank you, we are keeping our fingers crossed that RITA will not put you
in harms way.
Chere McCoy
Director, Ferret Friends Disaster Response
[Posted in FML issue 5007]