We had an appointment yesterday for two ferrets for surgery at Dr.
Spindle's for adrenal surgery.  One was for a little shelter girl named
Oglesnorf.  She had the classic adrenal signs.  When they opened her up
and got past the mountain of fat he found a right and left tumor.  We
decided the best thing to do was a bilateral.  The left was quite easy
but the right was touching the vena cava so was not as easy.  He got it
all though.  It was about 2-3 times the size of the left one and very
ugly looking(discolored and lumpy).  She is taking a lot longer to
recover than usual.  She is not eating and is still very weak.  I am in
need of some desperate prayers for her please.
We were not as lucky with the other little girl unfortunately though.
This was one of my personal babies Lightning.  It was one of our first
two rescues.  She had two adrenal tumors about the size of the first
joint of your pointer finger and a mass growing through her liver about
the size of a plum.  We decided not to let her suffer anymore and let
her go in peace and with no more pain on the table.  She is now dancing
at the bridge with the many others waiting there for us.  She will be
greatly missed by so many.  Dance your heart away my sweet little girl.
Also I would like to say a quick and big thank you to three people.
First to Jim and Holly for making it possible for Oglesnorf to have
her surgery and second to a wonderful person who made a very generous
donation to our shelter bill.  You know who you are.  We thank you from
the bottom of our hearts.
Linda and the furry and not so furry ones
Dook-N-Dance Ferret Shelter
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[Posted in FML issue 4988]