I am a new ferret owner, I did not intially want a Ferret, however when
my son and his chic broke up he was not taken care of.  Whence I adopted
him.  Now, I not only love this crazy little critter, but he has become
a member of the family.  I just aquired another ferret through the same
criumstances "a broken home".  I was hoping to ask you folks some
Miller a one year old male, is in great shape his hair is beauitful and
nice weight not problems iother then his attitude.
Is new counterpart (Alice) is a very small 3 year old female, seems
under weight, you can feel her little ribs.  Hair is in pretty bad
shape, However, she has alot of enegery and chases my sheep dog around
the house.
What food would you suggest for the underweight female that Miller could
eat that he won't gain too much weigth.
Doris Magee
[Posted in FML issue 5005]