I took Grania "Grany" Malley to the vet for a checkup for some weightloss
she had suffered.  It turns out she had a bad case of insulinoma and was
passed being helped.  I had her put to sleep.
For those not familar with Irish history Grania Malley (Grace O'Malley)
was a famous Irish pirate.  Queen Elizabeth was so fascinated with her
life she pardoned her.  Grania Malley died in her bed of old age in her
I got Grany from Janice Glenn of S&J Critters abotu 5 yrs ago.  She was
a working education ferret all those years.  She was a kisser, the only
I had that didn't need to be cajoled into kissing.  She lived in a group
cage with Ceili, Willow, Escpae "Artie" Artist and Cear.
[Posted in FML issue 5005]