>Bless you for your efforts, and my prayers are with you.  I'm not a vet,
>but, judging on my own experience,I would say it was the shot.  My boy
>came out of it, but it happened everytime I had his shots were updated.
this is what makes me questiion whether yearly vaccinations are in the
best interest of our animals.  the shots are to protect them right.  this
seems to be doing more harm then good.  after one bad reaction that would
be it for me.  the medical research is out there now showing that yearly
vaccinations are unnessecary and counterproductive and harmful.  it is
time for vets to at least consider this research which has been
publlished by vets.  we dont get yearly vaccinations so why do our
furbabies.  some vets are starting to question and change.
[Posted in FML issue 5003]