First of all, everyone knows it is me that Laura is speaking about.
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Here.  I won't beat around the bush there.  I
am the one who asked for help sending out packages to the SOS filled
with bedding, treats, new medical supplies, and ferret toys.  I had 25
surrenders this year of which each of them brought along alot of ferret
supplies.  I have an overwhelming amount of bedding and although I could
sell it and raise money for myself, I felt like there were other shelters
who right now, need it more.  I have a dry home, air conditioning and a
computer.  Yes, I have $3200+ in medical bills to pay off from my
shelter, but I also have the resources to do so via the Internet and
Ferret Shows.
Now, if anyone questions my status as a shelter, please email me
([log in to unmask]) .  I will provide you with copies of my bills with
Horsham Vet Clinic.  You may feel free to call them.  They are our vet of
choice and Anna Edling will be happy to let you know I am a shelter, a
full working shelter.  We have 2 accounts with them, personal and rescue.
Anna knows my personal ferrets as well as which ones are rescue.  Avecon
also has our information, as well as Petfinder.  I had to fill out
paperwork to get on Petfinder to prove I was a shelter.  I have about 75+
filled out and signed contracts from people who have adopted from me.  I
have references on my web page of people who have seen my shelter.  I do
the AFA shows under my shelter name to raise money for my shelter.  Judy
Cooke can verify I have sent the packages as stated.  I have post office
receipts also for ALL the packages I have sent down there so far.  11 to
be exact, with 2 more going out today.  I also will show anyone my paypal
statement, because I used my paypal debit card to pay for the packages
to be sent.  The cash back I earn from the Paypal (using the card as a
credit card) will be in turn given to Judy Cooke as a donation to the
SOS.  Sure, it won't be alot, but every little bit counts.  Also any
overages in the postage will also be given to Judith Cooke in the same
I am sorry Laura, I was unaware of the Written Laws of Shelter Ownership
saying you can't enjoy or partake in other hobbies, including dog
breeding.  With my dog breeding, which I have been doing since 2000, the
money we get use to go to sponsor dogs with Shih Tzu And Furbaby Rescue.
$100 from each puppy sale.  I also take in Shih Tzu in our area who are
in need of homes.  I recently took a Shih Tzu from our local Humane
Society down to Princeton, NJ for a rescue, because he was going to be
put to sleep due to having to have an eye removed.  I FIRMLY believe if
you breed and don't rescue, you are not giving back to that breed, being
ferrets, dogs, cats or any other animal.  Both should go hand in hand.
If you create life, then you should also help life when they are down.  I
don't think that is wrong.  Now I give my ferret shelter the $100 from
each puppy sale, because frankly I am a pretty good shelter to donate to!
You came to me with the same attitude you have here on the FML post.  I
know what my options are with shipping, I have done ebay since 1999.  How
would UPS or Fedex know what I am doing is the "Right thing" and not just
using the "Katrina Excuse" to get free shipping to a friend.  That was
the first flaw in your suggestion.  And yes, my husband's darn car
needs a new transmission, we have heating season coming up (Prepaid oil
$2000.00), we have $3300+ in medical bills, we have our Avecon bill at
$103.00 to pay for the rescue kids, we have car insurance this month
along with the water bill, another $700 out of our pocket.  We are a tad
bit short on cash this month, sorry.  Oh I forgot to mention the high gas
prices also.  That I am sure has taken a toll on everyone!  And even if I
got this great discounted price, I don't have a car to drive to Fedex or
UPS, which are both about 30 minutes from me.  The post office is within
a block of my house.  Then the other matter of the still needing the
money to get them to Florida (Judy Cooke).  I told you this in our
"private emails".  You took it upon yourself to now make this a public
issue and slander my shelter.  And you supposedly help other shelters,
shame on you.  Just because I am not 501c(3) does not mean I am not a
Fully Functioning shelter.  In the State of Pa., you must have a Board
of Directors to become 501c(3).  It is me and my family, and I don't
think the government would look kindly on me either lying about my Board
of Directors, which I have been told to do or giving that title to my
10 year old daughter.  Heck, I would LOVE to benefit from all the tax
breaks, free money and whatever else comes along with the title, but
realistically I can't at this time.  I still however make sure the
quality of my shelter is held at the highest standard I can hold it at.
That the ferrets who are in my shelter (all 35 of them right now) are
loved, cared for, supplied treats, warm bedding, extremely clean cages,
food, water, and OUTSTANDING MEDICAL CARE even though that means driving
1 1/2 hours and spending $50 in gas each time I go.  Not to mention the
toll costs.  If that makes me "Not A True Shelter" then I guess I will
belong to the "Not A True Shelter Club".  And I will be proud to be in
that group.
Thanks for the Slamming Laura.........greatly appreciate it.  I needed a
good cry this morning.  But after sitting down and thinking about things,
your post puts everything back in check.  I do this for the FERRETS in my
care, not for the public and especially NOT for you.
And Her Not A Shelter, Shelter
Where No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
if you have any questions or doubts.  [log in to unmask]
At the end of this, we will have sent out 20 packages.  I am up to 12
packages sent!  IF I get the other sponsors who said they want to sponsor
a package, we are done.  And Thank YOU again!  We did it.  Anything that
the SOS can't use now, I am sure they will put to good use with other
shelters.  They can use it for whomever they feel needs it.
Life is not how many breaths you take, but
how many times it takes your breath away...
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
Aloha Ferrets Ebay Store
[Moderator's note: Actually, wasn't obvious to me at the time of editing
that it was a slam, nor to whom it was directed.  I'm not too good with
names for one thing!  But I think you have enough support in this issue
to rebut any issues raised yesterday.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 5002]