Wow!  Over $8,000!  You guys are the greatest!
Thank you Sukie for coming up with such a wonderful way to celebrate our
achievement of 5000 issues of the FML.  This has shown what a fantastic
community this is, and I'm honored to be part of it.
Unfortunately, the page with donation information was down the last
couple days, but it's back up now, and there's still a little time to get
your last minute donations in!
You can send PayPal payment to [log in to unmask], be sure
to note that it is for the FML5000.
Or send a check made out to International Ferret Congress to
Judy Cooke
110 Jer-Be-Lou Blvd.
Panacea, FL 32346
Judy is out of town right now, but when she gets back on Monday, she
can give us the final grand total!
Linda Iroff
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 5001]