Hiyal all dis is Ms SaraFerret from de Rainbow Bridge.  I have really
trys to work on my speech problem but sometimes Is really slips up so
please forgives me and sometimes Mommy forgets to proofread her types as
she often does dis late at nite when she is tired, so please forgives
her, as she has foster ferrets to watch and doesnt always feels good.
Well anyways on to the important tings.  Earlier dis week, I was subbing
for Ms Sandee who was swamped wit bookwork for de Boss and when de Boss
asks you just do it, no questions asked, if you get de message.  Well I
had received notice dat a important ferret was to cross de bridge so I
rounded up her fur-family plus extra otters and skunks and blackfoots
came along just because dey always so curious.
Den we Saw Her--gliding Majestically Along (I am capitalizing as dats
de way she looks).  Dere she was dresses in great looking bushy fur--I
mean dat fur gleamed and shined and was fluffed up like a show ferret.
Musteys of all kinds were watching her and for once were silent and
mouths hangin open--I ran out as usual to help Her cross and she glanced
at me--and says Thankyou for helping me--the bridge does sway a bit.  It
was swaying a whole lot so she made the understatement of the day.  Well
we finally reached the entrance and I was relieved to be across and I
dont usually get nervous.
She looks at me and asks what are you--Hmmm I dooked up and says I am Ms
SaraFerret one of the Rainbow Bridge greeters appointed by de Boss who
runs displace.  THen she softened up a bit and says oh yes my human told
me about you.  Somehow I had imagined something different for SaraFerret
to look like.  Well I explains dat when I came across de bwidge I had no
fur just plain naked from lymphona.  Oh and she said well that is what I
had--I heard the vet tell my human mommy dat I had it--she didnt think I
heard but humans dont know that we ferrets understand human talk.  My
mommy and daddy cries a lot when they found out.  Well we compares notes
on how our humans had reacted and I tells her dat Mommy cried and cried
as I was her first ferret and we know how important the first child is.
Then she looked up and saw all her family and was overcome at seeing all
of them and she ran to them and hugs all of them, even those that were
not her family--the skunks and otters threw her off a bit as she didnt
know if they were family or not (I whispered no they werent--just our
cousins and she said well of course).  Little Jade came up to her and
says Hi Mommy and den her Dad Dusty and sis Madison all dooked away.
Jade who has somewhat of a squeaky dook says well Mommy I has worked hard
on making you some wings--of course de family and de Kits and Aunties at
de Kit House helped and made halo and hammock for you and we have the
house and all cleaned up and ready for you.
Den it dawned on Queen Victoria or Vickie as she insisted on being called
realized for the first time that her humans were no longer with her and a
big tear came down from her beautiful eyes.  Little Jade squeaked up and
said Mommy dont cry as Mommy and Daddy will come for us when its time and
we can see dem all de time when we look in the reflecting pool and then
Jade wiped off her Mommy Vickie's tears and says well Mommy do you wants
to see de wings I made for you and den Vickie looked around and noticed
we all had wings and haloes--mine is always bent and crooked-and she says
ok Jade show me.  And little Jade whipped out dese beautiful wings gold
and shimmery and helped her Mommy put them on and they fitted just
perfect and then the halo was placed on her head and indeed she did look
like a queen.  She understood tho dat there was only one King in charge
at the Rainbow Bridge and she tossed away her title even tho most furries
continued to call her Queen Vickie.  Then the family took her off to the
Rainbow Bridge but first Ms Vickie told me that the next day we must
simply talk about our lymphoma etc., and all our mutual experiences.  But
she trotted off to spend the rest of the day with her family at her new
home no party just dooking away which is sometimes much better than a
Love to all and dooks and hugs from de Rainbow Bridge
Ms SaraFerret
[Posted in FML issue 5001]