Only 2 more days till the September 15th deadline for the Pittsburgh
ferret show!!!!!!!  Get them in now....PLEASE!  <BEG> Yes, you can enter
after September 15th, but there might not be room...don't take the
chance..  enter now!
Entries are accepted on-line with credit card payments, however the
on-line system is not working correctly, so instead of filling out the
entry form - I am asking that you just send me an email with the ferrets
entry information as you would have filled out the form.  Complete the
payment page so that I get your payment information securely.  Sorry for
any hassle, I just don't have the time to try to fix it right now.  It's
given me grief for weeks now!
We may get stuck with only 6 championship judges which will severely
limit the amount of entries we can accept.  DO NOT DELAY!  2 MORE
DAYS.... You can get the show information at
Chris Sayne
Show Coordinator
Three Rivers Ferret Council, Inc.
[Posted in FML issue 5000]