Dear All,
I need Your help again.  In Hungary nobody can help us.  My problem is
the following:
I have two ferrets.
Lui is a 3 years old neutered male (sable) and Matyi is a 2 years old
neutered male (albino).  We bought Lui in a pet store 3 years ago.  He is
a very dominant and agressive ferret with the others ferrets but he is
very friendly ferret with humans.  He likes everybody  who has 2 legsJ
When Lui was about 1 year old (yet) neutered male  we thought he needs a
friend  so we adopted Lili (a 2 years old spayed female ferret).  This
was a very wrong idea because Lui hated Lili and Lili hated Lui also.  We
have tried to make them shake together for 6 months but we had to give up
it at least and we have found a new owner for Lili.  From then Lui hates
all the females ferrets.  (Later we have known Lili was a singleton
ferret  she hates all the other ferrets  but the old owner have
forgotten to told us this information.)
We didnt give up that Lui has a friend in somewhere in the world  so 1
year later we adopted Matyi.  It was a very lucky choice, because Lui
liked Matyi from the first moment and vica versa  they were big friends
in playing, eating, sleeping  Lui has never attacked Matyi they were
always playing together.
Then something happened.  In June 2005 my boyfriend left us  I think it
wasnt big problem for my ferrets  my boyfriend didnt like them too
much.  I think my ferrets have became more loose and happier.
First fault: But in middle of June I have adopted a little, spayed female
ad interim for 3 weeks (because we didnt find her owner and I had many
free places to keep an adopted ferret for some weeks).
Nelli (this is the name of this little girl) was a very singleton ferret
she hates all the other ferrets, so they were seperately out in my
room.  Lui was very nervous, he wanted to beat Nelli (because she was a
female and she was intruder in their territory)  but he couldnt because
of the cage.  (I didnt tell You Lui and Matyi are living in one big
cage).  So he started beat Matyi.  As I have noticed it, I have sent away
Nelli  to another ferret-owner  and in 2 weeks the friendship has been
restored between my ferrets.
Second and last fault: In middle of August one of my friends asked me to
care of her ferret.  I didnt want it (as I have remembered the story of
Nelli), but nobody wanted it also  so at last I have undertaken her
ferret.  Moha is a little spayed female  she is very friendly with other
ferrets and humans and she is a very brave ferret to defend herself from
the boys.  It was my last fault.  They were out in my flat together  Lui
tried to beat Moha, but Moha defended herself very bravely  so after
some fights, Lui started to beat Matyi again.  Matyi was very brave in
the first time, but later he started to be frightened and he started to
run away from Lui.  Moha has been with us for 10 days.  Since then Lui
hates Matyi when they are in out.  First they were in peace  they
eating, sleeping together  in the cage, but now I had to separate them
in two cages, because Lui beats Matyi in cage also.  But when I let out
them, Lui started instanter to beat Matyi and they are not playing yet
because Matyi has many scars and the fight seems very serious  I have
seen many ferret fights so I think this is a serious fightL with scars
and blood and odors.  Matyi has been frightened from Lui  he has become
a very nervous, shy ferret.  He has never been such a ferretL
Could you help me what can I do?  I have tried everything  what I could.
Im playing with them together and seperately  they are out together and
seperately  Lui has been chastised and he has been petting.
I have laid the blame on myself because I was so stupid to let jills
again and again in our flat  known that Lui hated jills.  Im afraid I
cannot restored friendship between my ferrets because Matyi is very
nervous and shy  he always crying when he noticed Lui  and when Lui
heard crying  he started to beat Matyi.  If Matyi dont cry and dont
run away from Lui, I think Lui wont beat Matyi - but I cannot tell
Matyi not to afraid of LuiL
I would like to restore friendship between my ferrets again but I dont
know how can I do this.
Yesterday I took Lui to Vet - he was scrutinized by our vet - but he is
healhty.  My vet didn't want to believe that Lui, who is a slim and less
muscled ferret than Matyi could beat Matyi, who is bigger, more muscled
than Lui.  But then he also saw scars of Matyi..
Please don't tell me that I had to sent away one of my ferrets because
they are members of my family - I loves them in the same way.
Sorry for my poor English, but I'm very nervous and bitter:(
Kriszti, Lui and Matyi
[Posted in FML issue 5000]