Sometimes it DOES pay to fight back on behalf of our beloved fuzzies ....
Recently I filled out an application for a potentially new housing
situation (a condo) but initially ran into some issues with having
ferrets for pets.  Just thought you all might like to know the HAPPY
ENDING for encouragement.
Last Thursday I viewed a condo with a property manager and after deciding
"this is THE one" I want, she verified that the owner WOULD allow pets.
however it stated in the lease application "NO EXOTIC ANIMALS".  When I
told the PM that I had ferrets and that ferrets were NOT classified as
'exotic animals' but rather domestic pets in the state of WA, she said
she would have to get back with me for verification before allowing the
application to be processed.  I was a bit purturbed but said, "No
problem.  Do what you have to do." (Like I'm going to lie about something
that can easily be verified?)
The PM calls me back the next day saying that she had verified the
information I told her BUT that the condo owner was still hesitant to
allow the ferrets b/c the owner had had a previously bad experience with
ferrets (apparently one of the previous occupants had a ferret that "got
loose' under a bed in the condo and the furkid wasn't retrieved until
SEVERAL DAYS LATER.  During that time, the ferret had "apparently" CHEWED
holes in the carpet, causing extensive damage) - WHATEVER ? ? ? ?
Here is the solution the PM's provided: IN ADDITION TO A $500 pet deposit
(that would MORE than cover any damage my lazy furkids would ever
possibly cause), they wanted me to send them (2) FERRET letters of
reference/recommendation from property management companies where I had
previously rented stating that the ferrets had never caused damage in
those units I occupied!  Have you ever heard of such a thing???  (Doesn't
the fact that I received ALL of my damage deposits back in full from
those places mean anything????)
Upon my objection (altough I *could* have gotten the letters if I wanted
to), the PM's assured me this was 'standard practice' for ALL prospective
tenants with pets.  Therefore, I asked to see verification of this from
other tenants' files, which they refused to provide to me.  I offered to
let them speak to the realtor who had just sold the condo I'm currently
living in, for verification, because she has been in my home numerous
times in the past year but they declined to use her as a resource saying
she was 'biased'.  WHAT???
Anyway, the PM then asked if I would object to her personally coming over
to VIEW MY CURRRENT HOME so she could see for herself if there was any
damage caused by the ferrets.  UNBELIEVABLE but I said, "Sure, no
problem.  I have absoltuely nothing to hide!" Keep in mind this condo I'm
currently renting was just put on the market one week ago by the owner
and sold in 5 days.  During that time, I personally received numerous
comments from realtors showing the place (and from the realtor selling
it) on how nice and clean the place was despite the pets being there!
I was supposed to meet with the PM earlier today but got a surprising
call from her, cancelling the meeting at my home.  Basically she said
that because I had been so openly and quickly willing to let her come
view my house then apparently I must not have any damage in my home so
she's already prepared the lease and I can move in anytime!!!!!!
SCORE ONE FOR THE FURKIDS! ! ! ! ! !   I'm so happy I fought back and
hopefully this is a testament that just because LIFE isn't always fair,
it doesn't mean PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE, despite their personal 'preferences'
and opinions.
So I should be picking up the keys this week and moving in soon :-)
Jennifer and the dynamic duo, Sasha & Snowball
[Posted in FML issue 5000]