>                       The Ferret Mailing List
> Issue number: 4998                    Date: 12 Sep 2005
> Circulation:  2529                    Moderator: Bill Gruber
today  4998
tomorrow  4999
Wednesday: 5000!
So, TODAY is the last chance to get your paypal donations (even a dollar
matters) to the drive to celebrate the FML's
I know we were all brought up to say, "Thank you." when it is due.  In
the case of Bill Gruber who brings us all the FML every single day,
those expressions of thanks are so very much already earned!
Besides, Bill chose two established tax deductible ferret charities to
benefit from his accomplishment: the SOS and the IFC's ELF.  Both are
working to help with Hurricane Katrina needs.
Put a smile on your own face, too, by doing so much right with one little
choice on your part!  It is rare to have such an opportunity to do good
in the world, and few things feel so very right in this life for evermore
as constructive, grateful, selfless actions.
Bill, I am honored and so very lucky to know you.
-- Sukie
[Posted in FML issue 4999]