hello list
last april, when i lost my baby wookie, i put his pictures on my website.
i want to thank everyone for all the kind messages i received.
my daughter asked me why i didn't have our present ferrets at my site.
good question.  so meet my current crew, Yeti, Sterling, Cookie, and
we adopted cookie and angel a week or two after losing wookie...
this was in april, all four are now all out at the same time, we no
longer have poop flying , poofing events, but still definately have
two camps, boys vs girls.
the girls picked on sterling so very much at the beginning, and he is
still mad about it.
he fights hard until the going gets too rough, or a second sister joins
in and then he become a track athelete, they are smaller and faster than
he is so has developed some square turn moves that are incredible.
Yeti our largest male, is a deaf dark-eyed white like sterling, he picks
on everyone, usually in the cage to get attention, but on the outside, i
think he does it just to show domination.
Lately when a squabble breaks out, it ends with Yeti flying by with the
girls in pursuit.  He can outrun them but sometimes it takes three laps
through the kitchen/family room and living room circuit.
all four sometimes will put themselves to bed in the same big cage during
the day...so hopefully all the running battles are close to an end.
thanks again for all the great thoughts and messages when i lost wookie.
my heart and prayers go out to all the people of the gulf coast region.
rob lipinski in phoenix
[Posted in FML issue 4998]